CEREC Super Translucent Zirconia Blocks 65x25x22mm for MC XL 112239

  • Model: 112239
  • Units in Stock: 21
  • Manufactured by: JSP®

- CEREC Super Translucent
Zirconia Blocks

# 112239



HS SIRONA - CEREC Zirconia Blocks Super Translucent for MC XL



We offer HS ( High Strength ) Sirona InLab compatible blocks which are designed for use in all InLab milling units and MCXL . Blocks come in packages of 3 to 10 per box, depending on size, and they all come with solid metal mandrel.

Product Information:

* First grade Zirconia powder

* Sinterization temperature 1530 Celsius 2 hours

* Shrinkage adjusted for 20%


Our Zirconia blocks, are Standard LL0.5 .

For darker shades liquid Coloring is available in the following: *LL1 *LL2 *LL3 *LL4 *LL5 as the darkest shade.

Coloring for Full contour is also available in 16 Vita shades: *A1 *A2 *A3 *A4 ... *D4

Special stains for cervical, gum, and occlusal are available in Pink, Grey and Ochre.

Physical Quality:

Bending Strength: 1200 Mpa

Vickers Hardness: 12.8 Gpa

Firing Instruction Firing time:

Firing chart:

RT to 1530- 1600 degrees Celsius at 4-5 Celsius  per minute, according to the job size.

Some technicians prefer a lower temperature, others a higher one, which will give more translucency to the piece. Cool off at 5 Celsius per minute, until 200 Celsius , not before.

Then open door

Dont forget to decontaminate your sinter oven once a week, or at least once a month. This advice is for every sinter oven in the market, regardless of brand name, or origin.

Size: 65 x 25 x 22 mm


Package: 4 per box - Priced by Blocks & sold by the box


Made in China.